Hummus dip



Hummus dip

  • Author: shampa Banerjee
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes


Hummus is an extremely popular dip that is widely used all across the Middle-East. Hummus is made with chickpeas, sesame seeds and some other healthy spices. It is both healthy and tasty, and literally takes minutes to prepare.


  • Chickpeas : 25g
  • Olive oil: 2 tsp.
  • Sesame seeds:10 g
  • Coriander powder: 1/2 tsp.
  • Paprika powder: ½ tsp.
  • Garlic pods: 2-3 nos.
  • Lime :1 no
  • Salt as per taste


  1. Soak raw chickpeas in water overnight.
  2. Boil chickpeas and put them in a container. Also keep the water in another pot.
  3. In a frying pan roast sesame seeds. Put the roasted sesame seeds and add a teaspoon of olive oil on a mixing bowl. Mix them well to make tahini paste.
  4. Put tahini paste, boiled chickpeas, garlic pods, lemon juice, roasted cumin powder, olive oil (1/2 tsp.) and salt in a mixer-grinder. First mix them without water and then add water which was used for boiling chickpeas.
  5. Mix well and serve adding olive oil (1/2 tsp.) and paprika powder on top.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 116Kcal
  • Fat: 5g
  • Carbohydrates: 11g
  • Protein: 7g

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Bhetki paturi


BHETKI PATURI (Barramundi Fish Wrapped in Banana Leaf)

  • Author: Shampa Banerjee
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Cuisine: Bengali


Bhetki Paturi is a popular Bengali dish where fillets of Bhetki fish are cooked by wrapping them in banana leaves. This recipe can be prepared using other types of fish as well. To prepare Paturi very little oil is needed as the cooking is mostly done by steam. Bhetki Paturi is both incredibly delicious and healthy.


  • Bhetki fillet : 2 pcs (200 g)
  • Mustard oil: 1 tsp.
  • Poppy seeds: 1 tbsp.
  • White mustard seeds: 1 tbsp.
  • Turmeric powder: 1 tsp.
  • Curd: 1 tbsp. (Optional)
  • Green chilli :2-3 nos.
  • Lime :1 no
  • Salt as per taste
  • Banana leaf / foil paper (For covering the fish)


  • Marinate the bhetki fillets with 1 tbsp. fresh lime juice and salt for 15 minutes.
  • Mix white mustard, poppy seeds and green chillies well in a mixer-grinder with one teaspoon of water.
  • Add turmeric powder, salt, curd and mustard oil and mix until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Cover the bhetki fillets with the mixture evenly and add 2-3 drops of mustard oil on top.
  • Take a rectangular banana leaf and place one spiced up bhetki fillet on it. Cover the fillet properly with the leaf using a thread. If you are using aluminium foil instead of banana leaves, make sure to cover the fillet properly. Repeat the process with the second fillet.
  • Place both the covered bhetki fillets onto a pan and close the lid. Cook for about 3-4 minutes on medium flame. Turn them upside down and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Turn off the flame and leave them inside the pan for another 5 minutes with covered lid.



  • Serve bhetki paturi with brown rice or pulao.


  • Serving Size: 2
  • Calories: 225 kcal (Per serving)
  • Sugar: 0
  • Fat: 7g (Per serving)
  • Carbohydrates: 0
  • Protein: 31g

Keywords: #healthyfish #omega3fattyacids #hearthealth

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Gout or Gouty Arthritis : On an alarming rise

Gouty arthritis might not be an ailment that has been talked about as much as say, Diabetes, Obesity or Cancers, but it has been something man has been living with since ages. From King Louis XIV of France to Queen Anne of England to Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first Prime Minister—victims of gout were as commonplace then as it is now.

What is Gout and what causes it?

Simply put, Gout is a form of arthritis and is caused by an accumulation of excess uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid has no useful function in the human body and is a byproduct of the breakdown of a group of chemicals called purines, a basic building block of DNA, present body tissues and also in many foods. Accumulation of uric acid on its own is not a harmful affair and elevated levels of uric acid do not necessarily ensure a gout attack. However, when the excess levels of uric acid form hard crystals that get deposited in joints, tendons, and other tissues, the patient experiences intense pain in those areas.

Signs and symptoms

The most common manifestation of gout is acute arthritis, or severe pain in joints. Usually, the metatarsal-phalangeal joint, which is at the base of the big toe, is most commonly affected by gout, accounting for almost 50% of the cases. Other areas prone to attack include the forefoot, instep, heel, ankle, and knee. The attack typically begins abruptly, often at night, and the pain is accompanied by swelling and redness in the affected area. Sometimes, the intensity of the pain can cause other ailments like fever, flu or muscle aches.

A man’s disease

Although all humans are at risk of gout, it is mostly seen in men past adolescence. It is rarely seen in women before menopause, as estrogen protects women from developing gout until after menopause when the estrogen levels fall.

You are also prone to gout if your family holds a history of an affected. Your medical history such as if you have undergone an organ transplant, or regularly take medicines such as diuretics, aspirin, cyclosporine, or levodopa, the vitamin niacin, also increase your risk of being affected.

Gout left untreated usually increases the frequency of attacks, and over time, uric acid crystals form gritty, chalky nodules called tophi, that may need to be surgically removed. Further neglect of gout could also result in serious issues such as joint deformity, kidney stones (formed by the same urate crystals), and as a result kidney disease and kidney failure.

What to do in the middle of an attack

  • Rest the affected joint in an elevated position until the bout of pain reduces.
  • Use ice compression to ease the discomfort and reduce the swelling.
  • For pain relief, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs could be taken; however, avoid drugs like aspirin that are high in purines.
  • Do not neglect gout attacks for too long. Consult a rheumatologist and get a joint fluid analysis done before the problem gets recurrent.

Watch what you eat

Gouty arthritis also affects overweight people or those who have weight-related health issues including diabetes and high blood pressure or cholesterol. Dietary causes also account for about 12% of gout. Alcoholic drinks, especially beer, and organ meats such as liver and seafood and oily sea fish like anchovies and sardines, are high in purines. Therefore it is of utmost importance to maintain a general healthy and balanced diet and an effective exercise routine to keep body weight in control throughout the year, so as to reduce the chances of painful gout attacks.

Consulting a certified nutritionist is mandatory so as to have a clear knowledge of which foods to avoid or eat in moderation that would address the requirement of maintaining a healthy weight, yet that are not high in purines.

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The Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders : Social problem born out of social FADS?

When a reed-thin Kate Moss appeared on a controversial Calvin Klein jeans ad in 1992, the world was hooked. Size zero was a thing. Every woman felt overweight in their skin. But then the world of fashion saw the championing of curvy models and they eventually moved on to Gigi Hadid.

But not everyone did. Losing weight started out as a way to shed off extra kilos, stay healthy and look good, but it soon became an obsession that took to extreme levels. This obsessive behavior led to what are known as eating disorders. The common types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder are real, treatable medical illnesses, and are not to be confused with “dieting”. They can be identified by serious disturbances in eating behavior and weight regulation, that can start with eating less or more amounts of food but the tendency can soon go out of control.

Here are some scary facts about eating disorders:

  • They frequently coexist with other illnesses such as depression, substance abuse, or anxiety disorders.
  • The mortality rate for people with eating disorders is the highest of all psychiatric illnesses.
  • Although eating disorders affect both genders, rates among women and girls are 2.5 times higher than among men and boys.
  • The problem mostly manifests during the teen years or young adulthood but may also develop before or after that age range.
  • Only about 10% of people with eating disorders receive treatment, and out of them only 35% get treated from specialized facilities.

Detect eating disorders!

Since this is a behavioral disorder with respect to eating, it is easy to overlook the problem as a bad habit instead of acknowledging it as a medical ailment. The following are the different types and symptoms of eating disorders:

Anorexia nervosa

People suffering from this disorder consider themselves overweight even when they are underweight. They eat selectively and in very small portions, repeatedly weighing them. They may also binge eat and later compensate the same with dieting and exercising in extreme levels or with self-induced vomiting and misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.


  • Extremely low body weight
  • Severe control on eating habits
  • Obsession over staying thin at the cost of health
  • Constant anxiety over gaining weight
  • Irrational lack of self esteem over one’s body shape and weight
  • Lack of menstruation among girls and women

Some additional symptoms appear if the condition goes untreated considerably long:

  • Thinning of the bones (osteopenia or osteoporosis)
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Dry and yellowish skin
  • Growth of fine hair all over the body (lanugo)
  • Mild anemia, muscle wasting, and weakness
  • Low blood pressure, or slow pulse and breathing
  • Damage to the structure and function of the heart
  • Brain damage
  • Damaged functioning of the liver
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Infertility
  • Peripheral oedema
  • Hypokalemia

Bulimia nervosa

This type of disorder is characterized by a cyclic habit of a rapid intake of large quantities of food followed by self-induced vomiting or extreme dieting and exercising or abuse of laxatives and diuretics or all of these, in a bid to prevent weight gain.

  • Symptoms
  • Binge eating, both periodically, as well as under emotional stress
  • Purging
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Frequent weight fluctuations
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Anxiety over body shape and weight
  • Guilt/shame over eating habits

Due to the punishing behavior of vomiting and use of laxatives associated with bulimia, the following complications may also develop over time:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Renal impairment from hypokalemia
  • Muscular paralysis
  • Urinary infection epileptic seizures
  • Swollen salivary glands
  • Eroded dental enamel

Binge eating disorder

As the name implies, people suffering from this disorder indulge in excessive overeating. However, here the binge eating is not compensated with vomiting or excessive dieting or exercising, as seen in the case of Bulimia, and so patients are usually overweight or obese. There is also a feeling of guilt and shame involved over this habit of overeating, which in turn leads to more binge eating.

Nutritional counseling to the rescue!

Eating disorders are now a social health problem in the sense that there are more people suffering from them than we know, and because some of the symptoms can hardly be differentiated from the general pattern of behavior. Complete recovery, however, is possible and treatment needs to be professionally undertaken to suit individual needs. The following measures are instrumental:

  • Individual, group, or family psychotherapy or all.
  • Professional medical care and monitoring
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Proper medications (for example, antidepressants)
  • Hospitalization, if required, to treat related problems caused by malnutrition

Even after the patient has been treated, continuous guidance of their eating habits needs to be maintained. Nutritional counseling is extremely effective in regulating eating habits and exercise routines and to maintain a healthy rhythm of both.

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Acidity / Gastric reflux (GERD)

Gastric Reflux (GERD) refers to the regurgitation of acid stomach contents into the esophagus. The most common clinical manifestation of GERD being heartburn and acid regurgitation.

Reflux occurs when the pressure inside the stomach is higher than that maintained by the muscles found where the stomach and oesophagus meet.

Causes of Acid Reflux

GERD may develop due to decreased muscle tone or abnormal relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter or reduced stomach motility, allowing food to remain too long in the stomach.

Episodes of reflux are triggered or worsened by a variety of factors. Symptoms may be aggravated by chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods, which stimulate acid secretion or by fatty foods, which delay stomach emptying,or even when the patient bends over or lies horizontally after having meal. In addition, pregnancy or constipation may worsen GERD by increasing intra-abdominal pressure.

Secondary causes of GERD includes reflux caused by acid hypersecretory states, connective tissue disorder(scleroderma), gastric outlet obstruction as caused by ulceration and stricture, and delayed gastric emptying due to conditions such as stasis, neuromuscular disease, pyloric dysfunction, duodenal dysmotility, or duodeno-gastro-esophageal bile reflux.


Symptoms of GERD includes in addition to heartburn, difficult or painful swallowing, a sour taste in the mouth, and frequent belching. Less typical features include chronic cough, hoarseness, sore throat and a sensation of fullness. Acid reflux due to GERD can also erode teeth.

Obesity is thought to be another potential predisposing factor to gastro-esophageal reflux. Maintenance of ideal weight for age may help in reducing the symptoms.

Dietary Modification

The foods you eat affect the amount of acid your stomach produces. They can also be directly irritating to the esophagus. Diet and nutrition are key considerations for those who suffer from acid reflux or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe, chronic form of acid reflux. You can prevent or relieve your symptoms from gastro esophageal reflux (GER) or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) by changing your diet. You may need to avoid certain foods and drinks that make your symptoms worse. Other dietary changes that can help reduce your symptoms include

  • decreasing fatty foods
  • eating small, frequent meals instead of three large meals

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