Mental Wellness: Identifying the Four Happy Hormones

Mental well-being is crucial for a satisfying life, and various factors influence it. Hormones, which regulate emotions and behaviours, play a vital role. This article explores four key happiness-related hormones and their roles in promoting positive mental well-being.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that drives reward-seeking behaviour and pleasure. Known as the ‘feel-good’ hormone, it activates pleasure centres in the brain, providing satisfaction and happiness. Achieving goals or engaging in enjoyable activities triggers its release. However, maintaining a balanced dopamine level is essential to prevent addiction and actively support positive mental health.

Another neurotransmitter, regulates mood, appetite, and sleep. Referred to as the ‘happy hormone,’ serotonin generates feelings of happiness and well-being. Factors like diet, exercise, and sunlight exposure influence its balance. Engaging in exercise and a diet rich in tryptophan-containing foods actively supports positive mental health by maintaining a healthy serotonin level.

A hormone associated with social bonding, trust, and intimacy, is released during physical touch and significant life events. It fosters positive social behaviour and enhances connection with others. Activities promoting social bonding and physical touch, like spending time with loved ones or volunteering, are crucial to maintaining healthy oxytocin levels and preventing social anxiety and mood disorders.

Endorphins, natural chemicals acting as painkillers and mood enhancers, are released during activities like exercise and laughter. They promote happiness, reduce stress and anxiety, and contribute to overall mental well-being. Engaging in activities triggering endorphin release, such as exercise and pleasurable activities, actively supports positive mental health and helps prevent conditions like depression and anxiety.

In conclusion, understanding the impact of hormones on mental health is crucial for fostering positive well-being. The four key happiness-inducing hormones – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins – play pivotal roles in regulating emotions, moods, and behaviours. Actively participating in activities that stimulate the release of these hormones is vital for maintaining equilibrium and promoting positive mental health.”

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Impact of Obesity on IVF Treatment

Lately, the world of reproductive medicine has made great progress in helping people and couples achieve their dream of becoming parents with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). But there’s a crucial thing that really matters for IVF success, and that’s obesity. Obesity is a common problem in our society, and it doesn’t just affect your overall health; it also makes it harder to have a baby. In this blog, we’ll take a close look at how obesity can affect IVF, using information from trustworthy sources to give you a better understanding.


Understanding Obesity’s Effects on Fertility

Obesity means having too much body fat, and it can mess up the hormones in your body. In women, this can lead to problems like irregular periods and trouble with making eggs. In men, being obese can make the sperm not so good and cause problems with getting and keeping an erection. All of these things make it harder for couples to have a baby the usual way and can make IVF more tricky.

Impact of Obesity on IVF Success

Research has consistently demonstrated that obesity can significantly reduce the success rates of IVF treatments. Obese individuals undergoing IVF may experience lower pregnancy rates and higher rates of miscarriage. Additionally, the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth is elevated in obese women.



How Obesity Affects Fertility
Obesity messes up the balance of hormones that you need to make a baby. When you’re obese, you might have too much insulin and estrogen in your body, which can make it hard for your body to release eggs and for a baby to stick in your belly. Also, the swelling caused by obesity can make the place where a baby would grow not very friendly for the baby.

We’re still figuring out exactly how obesity makes it tough for IVF to work, but a few things might be part of the puzzle:

  • Weight Management: Consult with a Clinical Dietitian or Nutritionist to develop a personalized weight management plan tailored to your needs. Well, the right kind of nutrition can be suggested by the top dietitians who are working closely on this niche.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Obesity can disrupt hormonal regulation, affecting the quality of eggs and embryos.
  • Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to improve overall health and enhance fertility.
  • Insulin Resistance and Inflammation: Chronic inflammation & Insulin resistance associated with obesity may impair the implantation of embryos in the uterine lining as well as affect ovarian function and disrupt the menstrual cycle respectively.
  • Healthy Diet: Adopt a balanced diet rich in nutrients, emphasizing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
    For the right portions and guidance, please get in touch with a Clinical nutritionist.
  • Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or counselling to alleviate the emotional burden often associated with fertility treatments.
  • Medical Consultation: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or counselling to alleviate the emotional burden often associated with fertility treatments.

Tips for Obese Individuals Undergoing IVF

1. Consult a specialist: Get personalized advice and treatment options from a fertility specialist.
2. Weight Management: Work with a clinical dietitian to achieve a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
3. Lifestyle Changes: Optimize your fertility by making lifestyle modifications, like quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake.
4. Medically Supervised Weight Loss: Consider a medically supervised weight loss program before starting IVF.


Call to Action

Obesity can significantly affect IVF success. Seek professional guidance if you’re dealing with infertility. Remember, every situation is unique, and a nutrition specialist consultant can offer tailored advice. Don’t hesitate to seek support on your path to parenthood.

Why Choose Food and Wellness for Weight Management?

Food & Wellness’s Weight Management Diet program, created by expert dietitians, carefully examines your medical reports, lifestyle, and diet to craft a tailored plan for you. With weekly check-ins, you’ll receive continuous support and gain insights into various disorders, their symptoms, and dietary approaches.

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Nutrient Loss From Batch Cooking

Nutrient Loss From Batch Cooking

Batch cooking is a way of cooking a lot of food at once so you can eat it all in a short amount of time. Basically, you’re in charge of planning, cooking, and storing your meals for a few hours each week.

There are many benefits to batch cooking. The most obvious one is that it saves you time. You can prepare multiple meals throughout the week and have them ready to eat when you get home. Another benefit is that you can save money. Batch cooking allows you to buy ingredients in bulk and cut down on food waste. You can also use it to portion out meals and plan meals. It also makes meal prep and freezer-friendliness easier. Batch cooking is popular among busy people, busy parents, students and people who want to cook healthier and save money. It’s also becoming more popular among people looking for sustainable cooking methods and ways to reduce food waste.

Batch cooking is a time-saving and cost-effective method that involves preparing multiple meals at once and storing them for later consumption.

 Prepare meal in batch cooking
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash


While batch cooking offers numerous advantages, But also that can be a potential loss of nutrients when foods are cooked in large amount and stored for extended time. The nutrient loss primarily occurs due to factors like heat, exposure and heating. Some vitamins, like vitamin C and some B vitamins, heat-sensitive and can break down during cooking.

Nutrient Loss In Batch Cooking
Image by freepik

Batch cooking can cause you to lose some of your nutrients. Here are the factors that nutrients loss from batch cooking-

Heat exposure – Long-term cooking or high heat can lead to the breakdown and loss of several vitamins, including vitamins C and B, in the cooking liquid or by evaporation. Consider utilising lower heat and shorter cooking periods to reduce nutritional loss.

Nutritional Value affected by heat exposure
Image by freepik

Nutrients that are water soluble – Some nutrients, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, are water soluble and may leach into the cooking liquid. These nutrients may be lost if this beverage is not drank or included in the final meals. These nutrients may be preserved by adding the cooking liquid to sauces, soups, and stews.

Storage conditions -Proper storage of batch-cooked meals is crucial to retain nutrients. Exposure to light, air, and heat during storage can cause nutrient degradation.

Store food in refrigerator
Image by freepik

Partial cooking times can be tricky to adjust – Partial cook times can be tricky. Some foods, like vegetables, require only partial cooking in order to prevent them from becoming soggy or losing their nutrient ,  flavour or texture as they are frozen and thawed. But it can be challenging to cook everything to the correct stage while keeping it safe to eat.


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Will power- The Dietician’s Best kept Secret

Willpower is crucial while beginning a health journey. Making and maintaining healthy adjustments to your routines, way of life, and health-related decisions requires mental fortitude and tenacity. Here are some pointers for developing and sustaining willpower as you start your journey toward better health,

Strategies to Strengthen Your Willpower on the Path to Better Health:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Clearly define your health goals by setting them. Clear goals provide direction and purpose whether you’re trying to lose weight, get more fit, eat healthier, or manage a particular health problem.
  2. Start Small: Make small, doable adjustments at first. Burnout can result from attempting to completely change your way of life overnight. Start by making one or two small, manageable changes, then progress from there.
  3. Create a Plan: Create a detailed strategy outlining the precise measures you’ll take to accomplish your objectives. A roadmap can help you remain on track and make your journey appear less overwhelming.
  4. Visual Reminders: Use visual clues, such as post-it notes or pictures, to remind yourself of your objectives and the reasons you initially began your path toward better health.
  5. Maintain a positive mindset: Remind yourself of the advantages of your work as you visualize your success. Your motivation and willpower can both be strengthened by positive thinking.
  6. Stay Accountable: Discuss your objectives with loved ones, close friends, or a support group. Having someone to keep you accountable can add another level of encouragement and incentive.
  7. Reward Yourself: Celebrate your progress and reward yourself for your accomplishments. No matter how minor, rewarding oneself for achieving goals will help you stay motivated.
  8. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices including getting enough sleep, stress management, and participating in activities you enjoy. Taking care of your overall well-being can help you have more willpower.
  9. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help you stay in the moment and reduce stress. These methods can also help you become more self-aware of who you are and make it easier for you to control your impulses.
  10. Learn from Setbacks: It’s common to experience difficulties and setbacks while pursuing good health. Consider these events as chances to develop and learn rather than giving up. Examine what went wrong and consider changes to your strategy.
  11. Consistency is Key: Building lasting habits requires consistency, which is why consistency is so important. Utilize your resolve to follow through on your strategy even on the days when you lose inspiration.
  12. Visual Reminders:  Use visual clues, such as post-it notes or pictures, to remind yourself of your objectives and the reasons you initially began your path toward better health.
  13. Flexibility and Adaptability: Keep the option of changing your plan open. Being able to adjust without giving up is crucial since life is full of unexpected turns.

Keep in mind that willpower can fluctuate over time, so it’s critical to support it with self-care and constructive criticism. Your resolve will probably grow stronger as you see the results of your efforts, making it simpler to carry on with your journey for better health.


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Food Affect on mental health

Nutritional Impact On Mental Health

Nutritional Impact on mental health – What’s the connection between food and mental health? Basically, what we eat has a direct effect on our brain chemistry, which is what our brains need to be able to do their best. Let’s start by talking about the science that shows there’s a connection between what we eat and our mental health.

The Nutrition we are taking from food direct impact on mental health. A balanced diet that includes nutrients essential for brain function and support a healthy gut is vital for promoting positive mental well being. Conversely, a poor diet high poor diet high in processed foods and lacking essential for brain function.

Food And Mood connection what we eat has a direct impact on mental health
Image by freepik
According to World Health Organisation (WHO) (2019), mental disorders “are
generally characterized by some combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour
and relationships with others.” These affect the quality of life of people and some might
appear in early adolescence. The determinants are not only individual capabilities of
coping with emotional challenges, but also social, political, environmental, working
conditions and community support. The WHO also confirms that stress, genetics,
nutrition, perinatal infections and exposure to environmental hazards are contributing
factors to mental disorders.
The Connection Between Food And Mood 
The relationship between food and mood is indeed complex and multifaceted. The nutritional impact of the food we consume plays a crucial role in influencing our mental health and well-being in several ways.
Food has a positive and negative impact on brain health, when you eat good amount of nutrition your body and brain shown positive impact
Image By Freepik

Carbs And Mood   – Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the brain. When you consume carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose, which is used by the brain and other organs as fuel. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for optimal brain function. Low blood sugar levels  can lead to fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings. Conversely, consuming carbohydrates can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve mood and cognitive function and  The brain requires a steady supply of glucose to function optimally. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, provide a slow and sustained release of glucose into the bloodstream, providing a steady source of energy for the brain. This can help maintain focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function.

Foods high in carbs are an important part of healthy diet
Image By Adobe Stock


Protein And Brain Function – Proteins are responsible for building and maintaining the structural components of neurons. For example, cytoskeletal proteins like actin and tubulin help give neurons their shape and provide support for their processes, such as axons and dendrites also protein. Proteins act as messengers to relay signals within and between neurons. Receptor proteins on the surface of neurons bind specific neurotransmitters, initiating a series of biochemical reactions that transmit the signal from the cell membrane to the nucleus, influencing gene expression and other cellular processes.

Image By Freepik


Omega 3 fatty acids – Omega-3 fats, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are a major structural component of brain cell membranes. They help maintain the integrity and fluidity of these membranes, allowing for proper communication between brain cells.

Omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce chronic inflammation in the brain. Inflammation is associated with various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. By reducing inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against these conditions and promote overall brain health.


Include Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet that will helps prevent heart disease and stroke
Image By Adobe Stock


Depression, Immunity And Nutrition – Dietary patterns can affect immune system function and inflammatory responses in the body. For example, a diet high in processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats may promote inflammation and contribute to immune dysregulation. On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats has been associated with reduced inflammation and improved immune function.

Conclusion – The food we eat has a direct impact on mental health. A balanced diet that includes nutrient essential for brain function and support healthy gut is vital for promoting positive mental well- being. A poor diet high in processed foods and lacking essential nutrients. Paying attention for dietary choices for maintaining good mental health.


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Capsicum Cheela


Capsicum Cheela

  • Author: Mahima Bansal
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 1
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: Multi
  • Diet: Low Calorie


This super quick chilla recipe is very easy to make and also is super healthy to kickstart your day. Besides, this breakfast recipe will be loved by all your family members especially kids because of its amazing taste.


  1. Moong dal – 1 cup
  2. Capsicum – 1 Cup chopped
  3. Coriander Leaves – 2 Strands
  4. Green Chilies – 2
  5. Salt as per tase
  6. Garam Masala – 1/2 tsp
  7. Desi Ghee – for greasing


  • Firstly, soak a cup of moong dal overnight.
  • Secondly, add the soaked lentil, water, a cup of freshly chopped capsicum, coriander leaves, and green chilies to a mixer and then grind it to form a chilla batter.
  • Once the batter is ready leave it for 5 minutes, then add salt and garam masala to it.
  • Now heat a pan, pour a tablespoon of desi ghee, and gently pour the mixture.
  • Furthermore, start circulating it into a thin round shape.
  • Let it cook on one side then flip it to another side to cook it.
  • Finally, capsicum chilla is ready to be served hot with homemade chutney.


The fiber and protein content of Capsicum chilla recipe makes it perfect for weight loss.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 156
  • Sugar: N/A
  • Fat: 1.2 gm
  • Carbohydrates: 20 gm
  • Fiber: 4.2 gm
  • Protein: 5.2 gm

Keywords: Breakfast, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, wellness, High fibre, protein, snack.


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Berry Cinnamon Smoothie


Berry Cinnamon Smoothie

  • Author: Mahima Bansal
  • Prep Time: 5 - 7 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 1
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Method: Blending
  • Cuisine: Multi
  • Diet: Low Fat


Summer days are back which is why people like to have quick refreshing, protein packed smoothie in hand to start the morning or after a nice workout. This creamy, protein packed blueberry smoothie is scented with warm cinnamon and fragrant vanilla. Ideal for breakfast or as a post workout snack. It’s the perfect on the go smoothie recipe to give you lasting energy all morning long.


Banana – 1 riped

Mixed berries – 1 cup

Almond Milk – 1 cup

Vanilla Extract – 1/2 tsp

Cinnamon – 1/2 tsp

Pumpkin seeds – 1 tsp

Ice cubes – 2-3 cubes


Place all the above listed ingredients in a high speed blender / mixer and puree until smooth. Add ice to reach the desired consistency and enjoy healthy smoothie.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 199
  • Sugar: 18 gm
  • Fat: 4 gm
  • Carbohydrates: 31 gm
  • Fiber: 6 gm
  • Protein: 13 gm

Keywords: Breakfast, smoothie, fruits, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, wellness, protein, post workout snack, snack.

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“Essential Nutrients For Period Health”

Nutrition can make a BIG impact on your period health. How you are fueling your body and the amount of essential nutrients you are getting through diet can make a big difference in a variety of different essential hormone pathways.

When looking at reasons for low thyroid function, painful cycles, PMS, and other hormonal concerns, we should always be assessing diet and lifestyle to see if someone is getting the building blocks they need for healthy hormone production and clearance.  And in some cases, even with a good diet you might not be getting everything you need which is when it might be appropriate to bring in targeted supplements.

A number of stereotypes are frequently associated with periods, including feeling lethargic, sobbing, eating chocolate, and a general need for comfort. The key to truly feeling your best may lie in providing your body with the nutrition it requires during menstruation.

Regular menstrual cramps and agony may make it difficult to function normally and also affect one’s mood. Menstrual pain negatively affects a person’s ability to function efficiently, their attitude, and a variety of other aspects. The foods that one eats have an impact on menstrual pain in addition to one’s exercise regimen and lifestyle.

Dealing With Period Cravings

In order to influence hormone production and secretion, nutrients from the diet directly affect the gut and the brain system. Your diet during periods, how much you eat, and how frequently you eat all have an impact on the health of your hormones as well.

Period cravings are totally normal and natural. However, munching on anything could keep you from achieving your health goals. Swapping out what you crave during your periods for healthier alternatives can help your body get what it needs without making you feel worse. Here’s a few options of food to eat during period and their associated nutrients.

Food To eat on around Period Time

Focus on the following nutrients during menstrual cycle: –

Iron: – Beans are a rich source of iron and an excellent option for period time foods. Consuming beans is crucial for the healthy production of hemoglobin, a red blood cell protein that transports oxygen throughout the body. Iron supports blood building, which is essential after losing blood during cycles.

Photo credit to Yulia Gusterina

Vitamin B12: – Vitamin B12 is found in abundance in cashews. It is crucial for maintaining hormone balance, as evidenced by the fact that many diseases linked to hormone imbalances are also linked to vitamin B12 deficiencies. For females who have frequent or lengthy periods, these minerals are especially critical. Moreover, vitamins B2, B6, and B12 can have an adverse effect on reproductive outcomes through altering reproductive hormones. Vitamin B6 is especially found to help reduce mood associated PMS.

Photo Credit: LumenSt

Magnesium: – When it comes to choosing the best food during periods, avocados are an excellent pick. They are filled with the goodness of magnesium aiding in relaxing the uterine smooth muscles (menstrual cramp). The diet can include chocolates, nuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and green leafy vegetables.

Zinc: – As a cofactor for estrogen and progesterone receptors, zinc is employed to deal with menstrual cramps and discomfort. Both of which could be reduced by the ingestion of zinc. It is essential for thyroid hormone production and testosterone. There’s plenty of zinc found in seafood like oysters. Other options for food to eat during period are pumpkin seeds, grains, beans, and legumes.

Calcium: – Yoghurt is one of the calcium-rich meals to eat on your period. The functional role of calcium in the treatment of menstrual discomfort symptoms. The nutrient relieves water retention and behavioral changes during the premenstrual phase. Calcium-rich foods include almonds, yoghurt, ragi, Channa, paneer, drumsticks, and seeds.

Photo Credit: bit245

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: -The body’s inflammatory chemical, prostaglandin, which causes headaches and cramps, is counteracted by diets high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs are one of the major sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it can also be found in fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and soy.

Photo Credit: bit245

Fibre: – The amounts of estrogen are reduced when you consume fibre rich food, which considerably lessens menstrual cramps. Other fibre-rich foods include oats, whole grains, and sprouts. Therefore, limiting processed foods and incorporating nutritious foods rich in micronutrients can assist in relieving menstrual discomfort.


Folic Acid: – Citrus fruits like grapefruit, citron, and sweet orange contain plenty of citrus fruits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This nutrient aids in overcoming anemia and menstrual cycle maintenance.

So, these were some of the best foods for menstruation. In particular, magnesium, folic acid, and iron are essential nutrients for the female body. They are crucial for the production of blood, balancing blood loss and relieving menstrual cramps.




In conclusion, our period diet significantly affects every aspect of health, including our menstrual cycle and symptoms. You can try a few iron rich dishes to increase your iron level, which will ultimately ease your menstrual cycle issues.

Along with the food to eat in periods, we also advise you to steer clear of several others that may be making your cramps worse. You can also give some workouts a try to see if they can ease your period cramps or affect your health during menstruation in a positive way.






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Stress and Diabetes Mellitus

Stress can raise Diabetes Mellitus and make it harder to regulate them. Stress is the physical and emotional response to events that threaten or challenge people in various ways. For example, it can be a response to an unpleasant event like having network issues during your job interview or an event like preparing for your sister’s wedding. The possibility or the situation that is the source of stress is called a stressor.

It is essential to keep in mind that people’s minds and bodies may react to the same stressor differently. It is a by-product of the fact that everyone responds differently to triggers and their bodies are unique. Stress is a bodily response to protect you from danger and ensures the body’s well-being. Also, as a result, the human body, when under stress, releases stress hormones (mainly adrenaline and cortisol). It coincides with an energy spurt to function effectively.

Stress and diabetes

When you have Type 2 diabetes, any kind of stress can cause changes in your blood sugar levels. Mental Stress, like worrying about work or family, typically increases blood sugar levels. If you experience physical stress, like if you are sick or injured, you may also see an increase in blood sugar levels.

Both “good” stress, like receiving an award or doing something exciting, and “bad” stress, like difficulty at work or home, can raise your blood sugars, which is why it’s important to monitor yourself and your stress level.

According to research, stress can cause blood sugar to spike, regardless of whether it’s related to the job, relationships, or any other aspect of life. Stress and glucose have a close two-way link, which is crucial to understand. It’s also vital to comprehend how stress affects people and develop appropriate stress-coping mechanisms to maintain constant blood glucose levels.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexel

Effect of Stress on Type 2 Diabetes

Stress can raise blood sugar levels and make it harder to regulate them. As a result, you may need a higher dose of diabetic medication or insulin for type 2 diabetes. Low blood glucose that occurs after too much medicine or insulin is a frequent concern for people with type 2 diabetes. Epinephrine and glucagon are released quickly in reaction to low blood sugar. Cortisol is released more gradually.

These hormonal reactions to low blood sugar may last for 6 to 8 hours, during which time it may be challenging to control blood sugar levels. This phenomenon of low blood sugar followed by high blood sugar is known as the “rebound” or “Somogyi” reaction.

Can stress cause diabetes?

Stress alone doesn’t cause diabetes. But there is some evidence that there may be a link between stress and the risk of type 2 Diabetes. Researches show that high of stress hormones might stop insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from working properly and reduce the amount of insulin they make. In turn, this might contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Overeating when you’re stressed could also be a factor in how people develop type 2 diabetes. Some people react to stress by eating more and this can lead to them putting on a lot of weight.


Can Stress Cause Diabetes?

Stress alone doesn’t cause diabetes. However, some evidence establishes a connection between stress and diabetes. For example, a study on Swedish women demonstrated stress’s direct and indirect effects on diabetes. The study’s findings support perceived stress to be considered alongside other modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, researcher think that high-stress hormone levels can prevent insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from functioning properly and reduce the amount of insulin production. It, in turn, can contribute to developing type-2 diabetes.

Another psychological point of view is that people often tend to overeat, among other things, when stressed. But unfortunately, overeating also leads to unhealthy weight gain, a significant risk factor for diabetes.

How to prevent Stress and Diabetes

  • Reduce Screen Time- Studies have shown that excessive usage of smartphones can cause increased stress levels. Another study showed that increased screen time could also cause lower psychological well-being levels in children and adults. Furthermore, research has shown that excessive screen time can also lead to poor sleep quality, contributing to higher stress levels. So, it is best to cut down on your screen time to reduce stress.
  • Self Care- Sufficient self-care is vital in keeping your stress levels under control. For example, reading, cooking, exercising, walking, getting a massage, etc., can help improve mental health and decrease stress levels. Another way is aromatherapy, meaning that some scents have a calming effect on the mind. Studies point out that aromatherapy improves sleep quality and hence helps in decreasing stress levels and anxiety.
  • Reduce Caffeine Intake- Caffeine has a direct and indirect effect on stress. As per studies, excessive caffeine consumption can cause stress and raise anxiety levels. Furthermore, research suggests that caffeine prevents you from getting good sleep, adversely affecting your stress levels. Different people have different levels of caffeine tolerance. Hence, you should decide how much caffeine you should have so that it does not make your stress levels bad.
  • Practice Yoga- Yoga is one of the ancient and most effective techniques to reduce stress. As a result, people worldwide have been using Yoga as a tool for stress management. Yoga helps to calm the nervous system and improve stress response. Furthermore, several studies show that yoga improves psychological well-being and reduces stress and anxiety levels. As per a study, yoga can enhance the secretion of a neurotransmitter known as gamma-aminobutyric acid, which elevates your mood.

How to prevent Stress and Diabetes by lifestyle changes

  • Increase Physical Activity- An excellent way to reduce stress is to move more and sit less. As per a study, regular physical activity is helpful in anxiety and depression. In addition, another study has shown that regular physical activity and exercise elevate overall mood. In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor mood and increased anxiety. Exercise and physical activity should not bother you too much as you do not have to do it daily if you can’t. A six-weeks study showed that you do not need to exercise daily to improve your stress. As per that study, exercising just twice per week can decrease stress levels. An excellent way to increase your physical activity is to walk or jog to the nearest grocery store.
  • Healthy Eating Habits- What you eat has a significant effect on your overall stress levels. Studies how that eating large amounts of processed foods and sugar leads to higher perceived stress levels. Also, research has shown that not eating nutritious food can cause a deficiency of vitamin B and magnesium which help in elevating mood. Stress can also cause you to overeat, which is harmful if you have diabetes.
Diabetes healthy food
Photo by marilyna from Pexel
  • Supplements- Some nutrients are necessary for managing stress levels in the body. For example, magnesium is an essential element that plays a vital role in stress management. As per a study, magnesium supplements can be helpful for people who experience chronic stress. Research also shows that other supplements like ashwagandha, vitamin B, and Rhodiola can also help manage stress, especially in women. However, you should eat these supplements only after consulting with your doctor. That will help you avoid any side effects.

Hypoglycemia and Depression/Anxiety

Low blood glucose levels lead to the production of adrenaline, which is the fight-or-flight hormone. If adrenaline stays for a long time, it leads to stress. In case the blood sugar level frequently becomes low (less glucose, more adrenaline), the stress can lead to depression or anxiety. If a person with unhealthy glucose levels doesn’t monitor their food and medicine properly, it can lead to hypoglycemia. There is a well-researched connection between diabetes and depression or anxiety. A study found associations between severe hypoglycemia and depressive symptoms.

Furthermore, these depressive symptoms lasted even when people resolved hypoglycemia.  But researchers agree that hypoglycemia can cause symptoms of depression and anxiety. One possible reason is that a person with a low blood sugar level might constantly worry about their condition, which can add to the stress.

Stress is your body’s natural response to feelings like nervousness or threatening situations. However, your body’s natural reaction can be disastrous if you have diabetes. Extended stress levels can work against all your efforts to reduce diabetes complications. So, to manage your diabetes effectively, you must reduce your stress levels.

There can be various ways of doing this. Some of these include: 

Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels
  • Regular exercising
  • Yoga
  • Spending time in nature
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Cutting back on alcohol and tobacco
  • Engaging in hobbies
  • Going to a psychotherapist for mindfulness-based stress reduction etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the last stages of diabetes?

There is no such thing as the last stage of diabetes or the final stages of diabetes. However, when diabetes ails you for a long time or the amount of sugar in your blood increases to very high levels, it may lead to end-stage complications or advanced complications of diabetes. These complications may include albuminuria, chronic kidney diseases, heart failure, chronic artery diseases, or stroke. Therefore, you must take all steps and preventive measures to mitigate the effect of diabetes on the body and prevent it from progressing to higher levels.

Can stress cause diabetes 2?

Stress alone is not a cause of diabetes. However, high levels of stress increase the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. High levels of stress can decrease the production of insulin. As a result, the glucose build-up continues in the blood unchecked. It may lead to type 2 diabetes in the long run. One should practice stress-relieving techniques to lower the risk of becoming diabetic.

Is coffee good for diabetics?

As per a review of studies, coffee might play an essential role in lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That is because coffee improves sugar metabolism in the body. However, adding sugar or cream to coffee may adversely affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, the best type of coffee for people with diabetes is decaffeinated coffee, as it has the goodness of all other components of coffee. Furthermore, you should also ensure that you consume coffee in moderation as it contains caffeine, and excess caffeine consumption may lead to side effects and increase stress.

Does type 2 diabetes get worse with age?

Diabetes is a progressive disease. Diabetes peaks in individuals in the age group between 65 and 74. A probable reason for this may be that you may put on more weight and exercise less as you get old, making it easier for diabetes to develop.

What is the miracle fruit that cures diabetes?

Jamun is widely regarded as the miracle fruit for diabetes. Since diabetes causes issues for two significant reasons- increased blood sugar levels and decreased insulin levels. Jamun targets both these causes together and hence helps cure diabetes. Jamun possesses antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties, which slow down the breakdown of sugar into starch.

As a result, it prevents sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. At the same time, Jamun seeds are helpful because they increase the amount of insulin in the body, either by increasing its secretion or preventing its degradation. In addition to controlling diabetes, Jamun plays a crucial role in purifying the blood, easing digestion, improving immunity, and increasing hemoglobin.

Can lack sleep lead to diabetes?

Yes, lack of sleep not only makes you tired and irritated and impacts your body’s ability to regulate and break down blood sugar. Research has shown that even one night of sleep deprivation causes your body to utilize insulin inefficiently. The ineffective response to insulin by the body’s cells leads to more insulin secretion by the pancreas. As a result, the cells fail to absorb the blood glucose, and the insulin level keeps rising. As a result, it can raise your fasting blood sugar levels above what they should be.

Do diabetics get angry easily?

Yes, diabetes is known to cause mood swings. Higher blood glucose is generally associated with feelings of sadness. Diabetes is also associated with lower self-control, which leads to aggressive behavior.

How do you calm down diabetes?

There are a variety of ways in which you can manage your diabetes. Exercising regularly, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, reducing stress, and cutting back on alcohol and tobacco are good habits to start with. When you do these things together, they help manage diabetes effectively and help prevent it.

Can metformin cause anger issues?

Yes, metformin causes mood changes, irritability, anger, and sadness. It is especially true for females over 60 years of age who take the drug for 1-6 months.

This article will help you understand how your continuous hustle that leaves you stressed might not be great for your overall well-being. You will also discover how you could develop habits to stay healthy with real-time health status and proper guidance.

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Osteoporosis – Silent Killer

“Silent Killer” – Osteoporosis

‘Osteoporosis’ means porous and brittle bones, a disease that weakens bones where an individual is more prone for unexpected fractures. The most common symptoms are pain.

About 200 million people are most likely to have osteoporosis throughout the world. The disease occurs in both the sexes: Male & Female. It is more commonly found in women as compared to men. At the age of 50 or more, one in two women and one in four men will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetimes. Another 30% have low bone density that puts them at risk of developing osteoporosis. This condition is called osteopenia.

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There is no exact cause of why this disease develops. When osteoporosis occurs, the holes in the bone grow larger and more, which weakens the bone from inside. Bones also store calcium and other minerals from the food we eat. When the body needs calcium, it breaks down and rebuilds bone and supplies the body with needed calcium while keeping the bones strong. After menopause, the speed of bone breakdown occurs even faster.


There are no known symptoms and that is why it is also called as a “Silent Disease”. Therefore, we need to focus on the following points:

  • Loss of height.
  • Change in body posture.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Bone fractures.
  • Pain in lower back.
Photo by baona from Pixel


Another factor is bone structure and body weight. People who are underweight have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis because they have less bone to lose as compared to the people who are overweight or larger frames.

bone structure and body weight
Photo by RyanKing999

Some medical conditions and medicines may increase your risk. If one has or had any of the following medical conditions: –

  • History of bariatric (weight loss) surgery.
  • Organ transplant.
  • Hormone treatment for breast or prostate cancer.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Some medications may cause damage to bone and lead to osteoporosis like steroids, treatments for Breast cancer and medications for treatment of seizures.
Risk factor
Photo by Mohammad Haneefa Nazamudeen from Pixel

How is osteoporosis treated?

Treatment may include regular Physical Activity, Vitamin and Mineral supplements and medications. Strength training, resistance and balancing body exercises are the most important.

How can you prevent osteoporosis?

Diet and lifestyle are two risk factors you can control to prevent osteoporosis.

Diet: To maintain strong & healthy bones, one should take calcium rich diet throughout life. One cup of low – fat milk contains 300 milligrams of calcium. Besides milk & milk products, other rich sources of calcium are salmon with bones, sardines, kale, broccoli, calcium-fortified juices and breads, dried figs and calcium supplements.

Vitamin D is also important because it enables the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D can also be obtained from sunlight exposure a few times a week at the time of sunrise or by drinking fortified milk.

Osteoporosis Diet
Photo by Piotr_malczyk from Pixel

Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the degree of bone loss. Start with regular physical activity regime. Exercises such as walking, jogging, aerobics and strength training are best for making bones stronger. Weight-bearing, resistance, and balance exercises are just a few of the activities you can do to build and maintain strong, healthy bones that are less prone to osteoporosis-related fractures. The earlier you begin a regular exercise program, the better.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Causes Osteoporosis?

There are many factors that contribute to and exacerbate the onset of osteoporosis. They include:

  • Diet
  • Activity level
  • Low sex hormones (estrogen in women; testosterone in men)
  • Medical conditions (including intestinal problems and kidney disease)
  • Medications (such as glucocorticoids)
  • Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption

What should I not do with Osteoporosis?

If you have osteoporosis, avoid activities that involve twisting your spine or bending forward from the waist, such as conventional sit-ups, toe touches, or swinging a golf club. Those are the best ways to keep your bones strong and healthy. Learn more about keeping your bones strong to prevent falls.

You may want to visit a Physical Therapist & a Dietitian to help you recover from an osteoporosis-related fracture. They will take into account your health and fitness level, in addition to your personal risk for fractures, to help cater the rehabilitation program specifically for you. You can join the program of FoodNwellness Osteoporosis. This program will give you a personalized plan that includes the key to it the right and the healthier options of food.

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